Environmental Monitoring and Assessment


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Environmental Monitoring & Assessment students investigate the impact of human activities on air, water, soil and vegetation, and gain a solid foundation in environmental sampling, assessment and laboratory skills. Students learn how to monitor and assess environmental quality, apply principles of quality assurance/quality control, manage waste, and reclaim and remediate land. Graduates may conduct environmental site assessments, collect samples from surface and ground water, air, soil and waste, or analyze samples for pollutants in an environmental lab. They work with industry, consultants or government on land and water remediation and reclamation, and investigate environmental issues for various research groups.

Upcoming Intakes

Select your preferred intake to see relevant program information. Program details, including tuition and course information, may vary by intake.

Selection Start Date Delivery Mode Time Campus Length Domestic Status International Status
Sep. 02, 2025 (Fall) Hybrid Weekdays - Daytime Main 2 Years (Full-time) Open Open

Swipe table to view more information for each intake.

Delivery Mode

  • In-person - All your class activity will be delivered in person, on campus.
  • Online - All your class activity will be delivered online.
  • Hybrid - Your classes will be a mixture of in person and online learning. You must be able to come to campus and participate remotely online.
  • Your choice - Your program offers a variety of class delivery options (in person, online, or a mixture of both) and you can select which type of classes to take. If you wish, you can complete your entire program either in-person or online.
  • HyFlex - All your classes are delivered for simultaneous participation in person and online. You can choose daily to attend your classes in person or join remotely online.


  • Your choice - You can select class times and days that fit your schedule. There are a variety of class options for you to choose from including daytime, evening, weekdays or weekends.
  • No set time - No set class days or times, content is access on-demand. You can complete your studies on your own schedule within the scheduled class dates; may have set due dates and deadlines.
  • Evenings & Weekends - Classes are scheduled after 5 p.m. on weekdays or anytime on weekends.
  • Weekdays - Daytime - Classes are scheduled on weekdays, typically start before 6 p.m.
  • Weekdays - Evening - Classes are scheduled on weekdays, typically start after 6 p.m.
  • Weekends - Classes are scheduled on Saturdays and Sundays.


Any in-person components of your courses will be delivered at this campus location.

View Campus Map


  • Full-Time - This is the standard length to complete the program, with a full course load per term.
  • Part-Time - Students follow a structured schedule of classes so they can progress in their studies part-time while balancing everyday life.

Domestic Status

The program availability status for domestic applications is updated as applications are reviewed and assessed. Program availability is subject to change without notice.

  • Open - Program intake is accepting applications. If you apply and are qualified, you may be offered admission or be waitlisted. Open does not guarantee a seat.
  • Waitlisting - Program intake is accepting applications, but qualified applicants will be placed on a waitlist.
  • Closed - Program intake is not accepting applications.
  • Upcoming - Applications will open soon for this intake. View the upcoming terms for open dates.
  • N/A - Not available for this intake.

International Status

The program availability status for international applications is updated as applications are reviewed and assessed. Program availability is subject to change without notice.

  • Open - Program intake is accepting applications. If you apply and are qualified, you may be offered admission or be waitlisted. Open does not guarantee a seat.
  • Limited - For international applicants, the program intake is now only available if you already have a valid study permit.
  • Waitlisting - Program intake is accepting applications, but qualified applicants will be placed on a waitlist.
  • Closed - Program intake is not accepting applications.
  • Upcoming - Applications will open soon for this intake. View the upcoming terms for open dates.
  • N/A - Not available for this intake.

Credit programs that accept international applicants also meet the eligibility for the Post-Graduation Work Permit program, including programs with a Hybrid delivery mode. Each student is responsible for maintaining their eligibility throughout their studies.

Hands-on, industry-relevant skills

During the first semester, you'll acquire skills and knowledge in the general sciences of biology and chemistry, communications, ethics, botany, zoology, genetics, and lab techniques and calculations.

You'll then be trained in the following areas:

Field Skills

  • Perform field analysis of soil, vegetation and water quality
  • Monitor air pollutants
  • Collect environmental samples from air, water, soil, plants and waste for further lab analysis
  • Conduct environmental site assessments – ESA (Phase I - III)
  • Maintain and calibrate field equipment for environmental sampling

Additional Skills

  • Design and manage group-based projects
  • Measure effects of pollutants on the environment by studying toxicology
  • Use current solid and hazardous waste treatment technologies and monitoring systems
  • Use legislation and standards related to environmental issues
  • Employ pollution prevention and pollution control technologies
  • Use quality assurance and quality control (QA/QC) principles to obtain accurate data
  • Generate and keep detailed log books
  • Compile and manage data using MS Office
  • Write reports, perform literature reviews, and prepare and give presentations
Environmental Monitoring

Labs and classrooms

You can expect to spend, on average:

  • 30 hours per week attending classes over the course of a semester
  • 15 to 20 hours per week studying and completing class assignments outside of scheduled class time

We maintain 6 dedicated instructional laboratories for the delivery of program curriculum, supported by a technical support team of 5 skilled and dedicated individuals. These labs contain an extensive inventory of scientific equipment for investigative and instructional purposes.

Laboratory Skills

  • Perform wet chemical and instrumental analyses of water, wastewater, soil, waste and air samples for biological, physical and chemical parameters
  • Prepare reagents and primary calibration standards

Career Outcomes


  • Consulting companies
  • Regulatory agencies
  • Analytical laboratories
  • Environmental laboratories and services companies
  • Engineering and oil & gas companies
  • Municipalities
  • Post-secondary institutions

Median Starting Salary

The expected starting salary for individuals with a(n) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Diploma is $46,800.
This salary information was based on graduate data from the past 3 years and reflects annual salaries for graduates who claimed they were working more than 30 hours per week. Graduates who quoted salaries below $10,000 and above $200,000 per year have been excluded. Note that NAIT publishes the median salary instead of the average to minimize the potential of outlying salaries distorting the mean. Data represented here may differ from other data sources due to differences in definition or differences in timing.

Grad Employment Rate

Employment rates are reported by NAIT alumni, are for information purposes, and do not guarantee future employment opportunities. Please note that data for newer programs may not be included within this report.

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Take your career planning to the next level

This program can be used as a step toward earning higher credentials and/or certifications.

Further education at NAIT

Once you complete your credential, explore the programs below to specialize further or develop management skills.


Post-secondary articulation agreements within Alberta are approved by the Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT). To view the details of specific agreements, please visit transferalberta.ca or contact articulations@nait.ca For questions regarding transfer agreements or to obtain a course description/outline that is no longer available on our website, please contact articulations@nait.ca.

Build your resume before you even graduate

Explore work experience opportunities that help grads get hired even sooner.

View Work Integrated Learning

Work Experience Placements

Students in this program gain valuable work experience with Work Integrated Learning (WIL). WIL is a form of experiential learning that integrates academic studies with relevant work-based learning. The WIL placement in this program is a Co-op.


A Co-op provides experience in a workplace setting related to the student's field of study. The number of required work terms varies by program; however, the time spent in work terms must be at least 30% of the time spent in academic study for programs over 2 years in length, and 25% of time for programs 2 years and shorter in length.

Duration 15 weeks
Compensation Yes
International Students Co-op Work Permit required
Placement Identified By Student - Submits resume to employers to apply for WIL positions.
Student Interview Required Yes
Non-academic requirements

Immunization Requirements: Students are required to have their immunization for Tetanus and Diptheria. A form will be provided that must be filled out by a healthcare professional (a Doctor or a Public Health Nurse).

Benefits of a Co-op
  • Understand more about career opportunities, expectations and requirements of the professional field
  • Gain the opportunity to apply classroom knowledge in a real-world environment
  • Create networking opportunities in your chosen industry
  • Develop and improve communication, interpersonal and employment skills
  • Gain confidence in your professional skills
  • Practice job placement skills including job search, resume preparation, interviewing
  • Explore career options and program specialization within the industry
  • Improve application for future positions by gaining industry experience and increasing your employability
  • Possibility of employment after graduation
  • Potential financial benefits if the placement is paid
Finding a placement
  • Create a profile on NAIT's job board, Career Connect
  • Create and maintain a current resume, cover letter and list of references
  • Apply for positions on Career Connect
  • Prepare for, and attend, employer interviews
  • Coordinate and communicate with your WIL Coordinator
  • Be flexible, professional, and participate fully in the recruitment process
  • Be aware of the anticipated outcomes of the placement
  • Notify the coordinator for your program once you have an employment offer and sign a WIL Agreement

Courses and Advanced Credit

Current and recently admitted students can find information and updates about their program on their My Program page in the MyNAIT Portal. To monitor your course progress and the courses still needed to graduate, visit your Academic Progress Report.

Advanced Credit

You may apply for advanced credit once you have been accepted into the program. Advanced credit can be Transfer Credit (for completed post-secondary courses) or PLAR (Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition).

Transfer Credit

In addition to the common guidelines outlined on the Transfer and Credit Options section, your program has other advanced credit requirements that are applied to each request including:

  • You must have completed the course or program no more than 7 year(s) ago unless a formalized articulation agreement is in place
  • You must have a minimum mark of C in the course(s) or program

Read more about advanced credit or contact us about applying for credit for this program.


This content is specific to the selected Sep 02, 2025 intake.

Expand each course below to see details about credits, requisites, scheduling, and more.

Term 1

BIOL1145Laboratory Techniques and Calculations
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in Conservation Biology, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, Laboratory Research and Biotechnology programs.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course focuses on the principles and basic procedures used in the laboratory, and laboratory math. Topics include laboratory safety, WHMIS, laboratory calculations, water quality and reagent preparation, operation and maintenance of microscopes, balances, pH meters, spectrophotometers and other related laboratory equipment. Emphasis will be placed on accurate and complete documentation methods.

CHEM1104Inorganic Chemistry for Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

The theory begins with a survey of basic concepts in inorganic chemistry which includes atomic structure, bonding and the periodic table, followed by writing and balancing chemical equations. Calculations involving the mole, composition and stoichiometry are presented. Hydrogen ion concentration (pH) and the theory of buffer solutions are discussed. Laboratory exercises include gravimetric analysis as well as acid-base, precipitation, complexation, and redox-titrations.

COMM1220Communications in the Biological Sciences
  • Course Equivalencies: COMM1105
  • Open Studies: Available
  • Credits: 3.00

Students will develop their written and oral communication skills by writing, editing, reviewing, and presenting various forms of technical communications including workplace correspondence, short technical reports, and formal technical reports. Students will use MS Office applications to create and import graphs and tables into a document, as well as apply standard formatting conventions, desktop publishing and mail merge functions. Students will also learn to create and use appropriate and effective audio/visual aids to deliver oral presentations during classes.

ECOL1335Introduction to Ecology
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, and Conservation Biology programs.
  • Course Equivalencies: ECOL1235
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

The course will provide an overview of the composition, structure and function of populations, communities and ecosystems with a focus on western Canada. A fundamental treatment of ecological principles emphasizing the ecosystem concept, natural selection and speciation, nutrient cycles relating to environmental sampling, energy relationships, limiting factors, population dynamics, and community ecology will be examined. The laboratory component includes practical studies of local ecosystems and population dynamics, with practice classifying Ecosites of West-central Alberta. The lab will also introduce small mammal handling.

MICB1560Introduction to Microbiology
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Laboratory Research and Biotechnology, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, and the Conservation Biology programs.
  • Course Equivalencies: BIOL1165
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course focuses on the tools and methods used to study the microbial world. An overview of the vast diversity of microorganisms is provided as well as a comparison of the distinguishing characteristics of bacteria, archaea, fungi, prions and viruses. Other topics include techniques for cultivating microorganisms, handling and disposing of biohazardous materials, and controlling microbial growth. This course introduces classic strategies used in applied microbiology and environmental microbiology to identify, characterize and quantify microbes.

ZOGY1450Introduction to Vertebrate and Invertebrate Zoology
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment program.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course examines the diversity of Alberta invertebrate and vertebrate taxa including methods for collection and classification of these organisms. Students will have the opportunity to conduct biodiversity surveys of aquatic and soil invertebrates and learn to recognize communities of species as indicators of ecosystem health and biological integrity. Students will compare key features of these organisms including structure and function of parts, in relation to their ecological role and how they respond to environmental impacts. Strategies for mitigation will be discussed.

Term 2

BISC1225Workplace Skills Development
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Pre-Requisite: COMM1220.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

Interpersonal and teamwork skills required in the workplace will be developed through various activities; peer evaluation will be implemented to assess these skills. Safe work practices and professional behaviour related to the environmental field will be discussed and demonstrated within the classroom setting. Students will investigate organizations and publications relevant to environmental monitoring and assessment, and will apply professional codes of ethics in the environmental field. Organisational behaviour, time management, prioritization, budgeting, and other aspects of today’s workplace will be explored.

BOTA1522Applied Plant Morphology and Identification
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Conservation Biology and Environmental Monitoring and Assessment programs. Prerequisite: ECOL1335.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course is an introduction to the classification, identification, ecological adaptation and distribution of the native plants of Alberta. The focus is the use of botanical dichotomous keys, identifying characteristics, morphology, and terminology in the Flora of Alberta. Concepts of botanical nomenclature, species epithet, and author are taught, in addition to collection principles and the creation of permanent herbarium records. For higher taxa, the plant phylogeny, life cycles and characteristics are discussed. While the focus is on vascular plants, a brief survey of a number of common mosses and Sphagnum is included.

CHEM1680Organic Chemistry in Environmental Assessment & Monitoring
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisite: CHEM1104.
  • Course Equivalencies: CHEM1256
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course focuses on the nomenclature, structure and the physical and chemical properties of biological and environmentally important organic compounds, including hydrocarbons, alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, amines, carboxylic acids and their derivatives. Elements of petroleum processing will also be presented. Laboratory work includes basic techniques for measurement, separation, identification, and synthesis of compounds of biological interest.

ENSC1570Collection and Analysis of Spatial Data
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment, and Conservation Biology programs. Prerequisite: ECOL1335.
  • Course Equivalencies: SURV2375
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

The purpose of the course is to give students an introduction to how positional information is collected and used. Students learn different techniques for data capture and become familiar with how to put data to use through a geographic information system.

SOIL1334Introduction to Soil Sciences
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment and the Conservation Biology programs . Prerequisites: ECOL1335 and (CHEM1104 or CHEM1632).
  • Course Equivalencies: ENSC1265
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

The course provides an introduction to soil genesis, nomenclature, classification, and the use of the Canadian System of Soil Classification. Focus is on the physical, biological and chemical properties of soils and includes the application and understanding of field sampling and lab analysis. The course includes an introduction to wetland function and classification. There is one mandatory fieldtrip to the monolith collection at the University of Alberta.

  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Conservation Biology, Environmental Monitoring & Assessment and the Laboratory Research and Biotechnology programs.
  • Course Equivalencies: BSC1245, BSC245
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This introductory course focuses upon organizing data and selecting appropriate statistical tests for biological data. Descriptive statistics from samples and populations are used to organize raw data from databases into summaries, tables and charts. Confidence intervals for means, proportions and regression lines are calculated and interpreted. Normal, Binomial, Poisson, and Chi Distributions are studied. Fundamental principles of experimental design are explained and applied. Hypothesis tests are conducted on biological data sets with particular focus on career relevant scenarios (traditional non parametric and parametric testing Z test, t-tests, correlations, regressions, one-way and two-way ANOVA, Chi2, post hoc contrasts, etc.,). Analyses are performed manually or using commonly available software with various demo software introduced for awareness.


ENSC1305Environmental Field Studies
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment program.
  • Course Equivalencies: ENSC2300
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

Delivered during a one-week period in the field, students will gain experience with various soil and water sampling techniques and vegetation surveys, and apply protocols for storing soil, water, and invertebrate samples. Students will learn to assess potential hazards and risks at typical work sites and complete the appropriate paperwork. Students will also learn to maintain accurate records using field journals, data sheets, and chain of custody forms. Additionally, students will tour industrial sites relevant to the Environmental Sciences specialization, including reclaimed and/or remediated sites.

Term 3

CHEM2368Instrumental Analysis
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisite: CHEM1680.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

A lecture/laboratory course dealing with the theory and fundamental laws related to the instrumental analytical areas of spectroscopy and chromatography. Spectroscopy topics include ultraviolet, visible, and atomic spectroscopic methods (including flame and flameless AA and plasma emission). Chromatography topics include gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, ion exchange chromatography, and the combined technique of gas chromatography – mass spectroscopy.

ENSC2301Environmental Law, Management Systems, and Sustainability
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment program. Prerequisites: BISC1225 .
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

In this course students discuss environmental management systems and environmental laws, acts, regulations, and guidelines at federal and provincial levels. Further, emphasis is placed on the application of Alberta environmental guidelines and code of practices. The environmental management portion deals with the requirements for a quality assurance program (including quality control) in environmental sampling/analysis/report writing, statistical quality control and environmental management systems (ISO 14001 in particular).

ENSC2303Environmental Site Assessment
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisites: SOIL1334, ENSC1570.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This introductory course will focus upon the procedures for conducting Phase I and Phase II environmental site assessments (ESAs) in accordance with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA Z768-01 and CSA Z769-01) guidelines. Typical principles of contaminant transport and effects on receptors will be presented. Delineation and remediation principles will be introduced in general terms. Case studies of contaminated site assessments in Alberta will be presented. Students will conduct exercises on different components of Phase I ESAs on urban sites as well as oil and gas sites. Students will also conduct a simulated Phase I site assessment of a property.

ENSC2306Air Quality Fundamentals
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisites: BIOL1145, CHEM1680.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

Priority air pollutants are examined in relation to their sources, factors affecting their formation and degradation in the environment, and reasons for concern (including physiological effects and risks). Laboratory exercises emphasize standard methods of analysis for each air pollutant.

ENSC2312Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisites: BIOL1145, CHEM1104, ECOL1335.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

A comprehensive study of the physical, chemical, and biological components of concern in water quality studies as it applies to streams and lakes. Emphasis is on the source of contaminants and their direct/indirect impact on the quality of water. Sampling equipment, techniques, handling, and methods of analysis are performed and discussed. Laboratory exercises involve analysis of a variety of water quality parameters while emphasizing techniques and accuracy.

SOIL2309Reclamation Criteria & Technology: uplands and wetlands
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment program. Prerequisite: BOTA1522, ENSC1570, SOIL1334.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

The course investigates soil and wetland reclamation in Alberta and includes reclamation of industrial, agricultural, municipal, and natural sites. It includes discussion and/or application of erosion prevention and control techniques; land capability classification; wetland mapping, classification, and delineation; wetland and riparian reclamation; and, shoreline stabilization. Physical characteristics of soils and soil stability are addressed (e.g., slope, concept of shear strength, behaviour of clays). Plant species requirements for reclamation and Weed Control Act Regulations are investigated, and Alberta legislation and reclamation criteria are applied. Where appropriate, federal legislation is discussed. This course may include field trips to upland and wetland reclamation sites.

Term 4

ENSC2208Environmental Sciences Project
  • Requisites: This course is available tor students who have completed Term 1 and Term 2 of the Environmental Monitoring & Assessment program.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course is designed to give students experience in researching and presenting scientific literature, designing and creating a research proposal, and implementing a research project. Students conduct their research and write a technical paper summarizing their results as part of a team. Details of the research project are also delivered in a final group oral presentation.

ENSC2415Air Quality Monitoring and Improvement
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisites: ENSC2306, CHEM2368.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

Air Pollution control equipment and pollution prevention techniques for the control of point source gas/vapor and particulate emissions – including their effectiveness and operational limitations – are examined. Air dispersion modeling, point source, fugitive emissions and ambient air monitoring methods are also discussed. Because many of the methods used to monitor ambient air quality are similar to those used to assess indoor air quality, a portion of the course is devoted to techniques used to monitor indoor (e.g. workplace/residential) air quality as well. Laboratory exercises introduce point source manual monitoring, fugitive emissions monitoring, air emission assessments, operation and calibration of continuous analyzers and indoor air sampling techniques.

  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisites: ENSC2312.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course will examine the movement and storage of water on the earth's surface (hydrology) and the subsurface (hydrogeology). The hydrology part of this course will address how the major components of hydrological cycle impact the water balance and distribution of water resources within a watershed basin and impact the geomorphic processes such as erosion and sedimentation. The hydrogeology part of the course will address the interactions of geologic materials with water, and how such interactions affect groundwater movement, pumping rates of groundwater for domestic and industrial uses, and movement of pollutants through the subsurface environment. Topics will include groundwater terminology, aquifer properties and pumping tests, groundwater flow mapping, sampling techniques, groundwater chemistry and quality, sources of groundwater contamination, instrumentation and an introduction to software used in groundwater studies.

ENSC2421Remediation Technology
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisites: CHEM1680, ENSC2303.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

This course focuses on the remediation of contaminated and disturbed sites in industrial, commercial, agricultural, residential and natural areas. Remediation includes physical, chemical, and biological methods. The course also covers Alberta Tier 1 & 2 soil and groundwater guidelines, and CCME guidelines.

ENSC2424Waste Management Systems
  • Requisites: This course is available to students in the Environmental Monitoring and Assessment program. Prerequisite: ENSC2301.
  • Open Studies: Not Available
  • Credits: 3.00

Waste Management techniques from identification, collection, source-separation, treatment, and disposal are reviewed. Solid and Hazardous Waste/Recyclables are discussed – including regulatory approaches (classification and transportation) to Hazardous Waste Management for general industry and the upstream oil and gas industry. The shift to pollution prevention versus traditional waste management is reinforced. The students will also explore the characteristics and management of wastewaters produced in the major industrial sectors in Alberta: energy extraction and refining, mining, agriculture, and pulp/paper.

Tuition & Fees

This content is specific to the selected Sep 02, 2025 intake.

The tuition and fee amounts are estimates based on current academic year's rates. For financial planning purposes, please use these totals as an approximate estimate of your costs. Actual fees may vary by term and enrolment activities. Please refer to the tuition and fees page for more detailed information.


Cost Per Credit: $170.00

View international tuition for upcoming intakes

How much does first year cost?
Domestic cost estimate
International cost estimate

Books, Supplies & Program Fees (est.)

Level 1 Term 1: $925
Level 1 Term 2: $1,025
Level 2 Term 1: $825
Level 2 Term 2: $675

Scholarships & Awards

NAIT awards over $6 million in scholarships and bursaries to more than 4,000 students each year, with the support of donors and the government. A variety of awards are available, including ones for academics, community involvement, equity/diversity grants, bursaries for financial need, program-specific awards and more!

Learn how to apply for awards

Admission Requirements

This content is specific to the selected Sep 02, 2025 intake.

Minimum entrance requirements


The specific academic requirements you must meet to be considered for admission. Where applicable, the minimum accepted Alberta high school courses are listed in round brackets ( ). Equivalent or higher-level courses are also accepted.

  • Grade 12 Language Arts (English 30-2)
  • Grade 12 Mathematics (Math 30-2 or Applied Math 30) or Grade 12 Physics (Physics 30)
  • Grade 12 Biology (Biology 30)
  • Grade 12 Chemistry (Chemistry 30)
  • Proof of English Language Proficiency

Additional requirements & considerations

Alternative entrance pathways


If you are missing one or more of the minimum entrance requirements, you may be eligible for an alternative entrance pathway. For any pathway listed below, English language proficiency is also a requirement.

Successful completion of minimum 24 post-secondary credits* or 8 post-secondary courses within an accredited or recognized degree or diploma in a related field (natural resources or environmental sciences) with an Admission GPA of 2.0 based on the most recently completed 24 post-secondary credits.

*Please note that acceptance into the program does not guarantee transfer credits. Transfer credits evaluation will take place after the student is accepted into the program.

Post-admission requirements


Although not required for admission, you must meet the following requirement(s) in order to progress in your program.

  • Computer Requirement - General: Students are required to have laptop computers for the duration of their studies at NAIT. This is referred to as BYOD (bring your own device). Exact laptop specifications will be provided to the students upon acceptance.

NAIT provides a wireless environment for all students to use. NAIT students can also utilize the virtual environment (VDI) to access coursework and program-related software both on and off campus.

  • Immunization Requirements:
    Students are required to have their immunization for Tetanus and Diptheria. A form will be provided that must be filled out by a healthcare professional (a Doctor or a Public Health Nurse).

Not sure if you meet the requirements?

Learn more about how NAIT evaluates applications, and find resources on how to satisfy admissions criteria.

How applications are evaluated Submitting required documents

Additional options

This program has courses that are available for Open Studies. Open Studies allows you to explore credit courses without applying to a program. It is an opportunity to get a feel for school and what program you want to be in.

Learn more about Open Studies

Dates & Deadlines

Applications Open:

Aug 01, 2024

Applications Deadline:

Once the program is full

Applications Open:

Oct 01, 2024
Application Deadline:
Once the program is full
Term Start Date:
Sep 02, 2025

Seats are limited - Apply early! Applications will remain open for at least one month from the open date. If the program/waitlist fill after that date, applications will close.

International Applicants

This program accepts international students.

PGWP Eligibility

Graduates of this program are eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), following Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) requirements. Students must still meet all other PGWP eligibility requirements, including full-time and in-person study requirements.

Co-Op Work Permit

Optional Co-op: Students in this program can choose to move into a co-op pathway, which includes a mandatory co-op work practicum. International students who plan to participate in this option must apply for a co-op work permit and get approval before starting the work placement.

Learn more about PGWP and explore eligible NAIT programs.

Want to learn more about this program?

Thank you for your interest! We want to get you in contact with the right person to answer your questions. If you are a current or recently admitted student you can find program and course information as well as contact details for your program on the My Program page on the MyNAIT Portal.


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