Student Life  

On Campus

Find out what NAIT's campus locations and services have to offer


Grab a coffee, snack, hot meal or lunch to-go from one of our many convenient food and beverage locations.

Student Parking

Parking is available on all 3 NAIT campuses including Main campus (downtown), Souch and Patricia. Daytime, evening and weekend parking rates and permits available for purchase by current students.


Your OneCard serves as your official NAIT identification card and gives you access to all of NAIT’s recreation facilities, library, printing on campus and U-pass.

Fitness Facilities & Rentals

NAIT has a wide array of fitness facilities that NAIT students can access and book. Many of our facilities are also available to rent!

More campus services

Bicycle Storage

We provide many services to help you cycle to campus and store their bikes safely including bike lockers, lock rentals and tune-up stations.

Campus Map

Use our interactive tool to find specific locations on campus including classrooms, labs, common areas and food locations.

Finding Housing

There are many housing options available for NAIT students, from rentals to campus residences offered in partnership with nearby universities.

Food Bank

The NAITSA Food Centre is here to help. We have a variety of resources including emergency food assistance and information for nutrition on a budget.

Locker Rentals

Keep your personal belongings safe and secure on campus by renting a locker, available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Protective Services

With peace officers and sergeants on duty at all times, students and staff can expect a safe and secure community.

Public Transit & LRT

With a dedicated LRT station and several busses servicing NAIT, members of our community are encouraged to use public transit whenever feasible.

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