100% attendance at class is expected, unless the absence can be justified by a doctor’s note.
Policy Detail
Students must be organized to attend each class (on time and for the entire class).
Cold weather, work, or pre-planned appointments are not viable reasons to miss a class and are considered in the control of the student.
All Canadian study permit holders are required by the IRCC to actively pursue their studies. Hence, missing classes may negatively impact your student status and study permit.
NAIT is required to regularly report on the enrolment status of its international students to the IRCC.
If you are going to miss a class for circumstances out of your control:
email pdcertificate@nait.ca AND the instructor before class. We expect a minimum of 24 hours' notice. If that is not possible, please provide us with as much notice as possible.
Attendance Tracking
Policy Detail
Attendance sheets in class are only to be signed by the students present in the classroom.
Each student signs for their own name only and cannot sign for their classmates.
Both, the student signing for the absent student, plus the absent student, will be reported for academic misconduct. Consequences can range but can include up to expulsion from the program.
Rescheduling Classes
Policy Detail
The PD Certificate program will attempt to reschedule missed classes (student may be required to pay for this make up class); however, this is not always possible.
If no new classes are available, students will risk not receiving their certificates certificates and/or it may negatively impact their study permit.
If you missed a class for circumstances out of your control: email pdcertificate@nait.ca AND the instructor before class (giving as much notice as possible).
There are certain classes and specific times in the year where rescheduling is not possible- even when additional fees are paid to NAIT.
It is your responsibility to attend all of your classes and give advanced notice to your instructor if you have an emergency or something unexpected happened (your bus was significantly late).
Student Code of Conduct / Classroom Expectations
Arrive to class on time
Policy Detail
The class will start at the scheduled time. All students are expected to arrive on time.
If you arrive late and are refused entry to the classroom, please email pdcertificate@nait.ca to reschedule your class. You will be responsible for paying tuition to reschedule the class.
Attend class until the scheduled end time
Policy Detail
It is the student’s obligation to be in the classroom during the whole class. Please schedule work, appointments, and other commitments either before or after your class.
If you miss a portion of the class, you may be assigned a failing grade. You will be responsible for paying tuition to reschedule the class.
Active participation and collaboration. Respect your instructors and your peers.
Policy Details
To avoid disrupting the teaching and the learning of other students, students are expected to:
Actively listen when someone is speaking (not not be distracted by their phones or anything else).
Participate in class activities, share their opinions and be curious in a respectful and professional way.
Practice for professional work – this means, completing their assigned reading/activities on time; working in groups collaboratively when assigned (not copying, everyone contributes), and respecting the differences amongst the class and finding a healthy way to work together.
Submitting Assignments
Policy Details
Class assignments/projects/papers and activities must be submitted by the deadline established by the instructor.
If you have any issues with Brightspace platform while submitting your assignment, please email the assignment to your instructor by the deadline. Note that penalties apply for late submissions.
Language of Study
Policy Details
NAIT teaches in English, and to maximize their investment in their program and connections with peers, students should speak English while in class.
During class, lectures and presentations, English is the language of use.
English is the dominant language in the majority of Canadian workplaces – students will gain valuable practice in English to help their future careers in Canada.
If you are speaking in a language other than English, which makes classmates or instructors feel ‘outside of the conversation’ you may be asked to leave the class.
NAIT's language of instruction is English. To promote a space where everyone can share and discuss ideas, feel included and respected, all conversations inside the classroom must be in English. Failure to comply may result in asking you to leave the classroom. If you are asked to leave, you will need to email pdcertificate@nait.ca to reschedule your class, which will be an extra tuition charge to you.
Policy Details
Using cell phones for texting, on a call, or watching videos is not permitted during class time.
If you are texting, on a call, or watching videos, you may be asked to leave the class. You will need to email pdcertificate@nait.ca to reschedule your class, which will be an extra tuition charge to you.
Online Classes
Policy Details
Active participation with cameras on is mandatory for live online classes.
Each student must join their class from their own account (i.e. multiple students should not use the same log in).
Please be aware of the delivery mode of your course (synchronous or asynchronous)
Synchronous - Live class, where students and instructors interact in real time.
Asynchronous – Self-paced classes, without the need for real-time interaction.
Classroom / Lab Conduct and Safety Guidelines
Policy Details
No food allowed in the computer labs
No littering in any NAIT classroom, computer lab, or NAIT public space.
General Expectations
- Please maintain cleanliness of your classroom / lab at all times.
- No food or drinks allowed: For safety and hygiene reasons, food and beverages are strictly prohibited in the lab.
- Respect the equipment: Do not write on, damage, or misuse any lab equipment or devices. Always handle tools and instruments with care.
If classrooms are left dirty (trash, food scraps, equipment or furniture not in order) NAIT may charge the student a cleaning or repair fee that is appropriate to restore the class to its original, working order.
Academic Integrity
All Student assignments/projects/papers or activities submitted must be original to each student (their own work).
Policy Details
Plagiarism is intentionally or unintentionally representing assignments, ideas, words, data, photos, or work, that have been taken from another source, or completed by another person, as your own. Ideas from another source without citation are considered plagiarized even if paraphrased.
NAIT has a zero-tolerance policy towards plagiarism. Staff take active measures to identify plagiarism cases.
Students cannot submit plagiarized work and claim it as their own.
Students who submit work that was not 100% created by them, will be reported for academic misconduct. Consequences can include:
- You may be asked to re-do the work.
- You may be expelled from your program without a refund. This will also impact your student status at NAIT and with the IRCC.
Note: For detailed information on policies for students and instructors, please visit our Policies and Procedure