Parking & Transportation
You can drive, ride or take transit to NAIT. Learn more about the transportation options available to you.
Parking at Main Campus
Hourly and Daily Parking
The following rates will be in place for daily and hourly parking, effective July 1, 2024:
Daily Parking
Zones |
Daily rate |
$13.25 |
A/B parkade |
$12.75 |
M parkade |
$14.75 |
S |
$6.00 |
Hourly Parking
Zones |
Hourly rate |
C/103st/L/HP/HPH/SLC/P/Y/SGR |
$5.50 |
A/B parkade |
$5.25 |
M parkade/CATH/G/E/PICH |
EV Charging (Level 2) – T Lot
4 hour maximum/per day/per vehicle |
$7.25 |
Hourly and daily parking is available at Patricia and Souch campuses for $5.75/hour and $13.25/day.
You can pay through pay-by-plate parking machines or through the Honk mobile app.
You can also purchase a FlexPass through the Honk mobile app. Read the following document for instructions on how to purchase and redeem:
Evening & Weekend Parking
Zones |
Daily Rate |
All Surface Zones (except T), A/B and M parkade |
$6.00 |
Evening parking hours start at 4:00pm on weekdays and all-day Saturday & Sunday
The parking rate is $6.00 per entry during the evening and weekend hours listed above for the following locations: A/B & M parkade and zones C, D, E, HPH, HP, J, L & SLC on Main Campus and in zone P (Patricia Campus) and zone Y (Souch Campus)
Students and staff can purchase monthly evening and weekend permits online.
Evening Surface
The monthly rate is $40.00 plus GST. Monthly permits are valid in A/B & M parkades and zones C, D, E, HPH, HP, J, L & SLC.
Evening Underground
The monthly rate is $50.00 plus GST. Monthly permits are available in the following underground parkades: CAT or X (HP).
Parking locations at Main Campus
Parking at Souch and Patricia campuses
Paid visitor parking is available at Souch and Patricia campuses.
Parking locations at Souch Campus Parking locations at Patricia Campus Parking locations at Spruce Grove Campus
Accessible Parking
Accessible parking stalls are available in various areas on all NAIT campuses. Their use is restricted to vehicles displaying valid provincial placards, license plates or license plate stickers. Payments can be made at the available pay-by-plate machines or through the Honk mobile app.
Accessible parking locations
Main Campus Souch CampusPatricia Campus
A regular NAIT parking permit is still required to park in lots with accessible parking spaces.
If you require accessible parking and have a disabled placard, please purchase your permit for your desired lot and ensure you are parking in accessible stalls with your government placard displayed in the window. If additional accommodations are required, please contact Parking Services.
Contract staff parking
Please email to setup an account to purchase parking permits online.
Communauto parking
Communauto users can park at designated stalls in G Lot on Main Campus. NAIT students can receive a discount when signing up for the service.
Communauto (Login required)
Transit & LRT
Whether you’re a visitor to our Edmonton campuses or a regular commuter, it’s easy to get to NAIT using transit.
Transit & LRT
Tickets & Violations
Protective and Parking Services maintains ongoing enforcement in all parking zones. Be sure to follow parking regulations in and around our campuses.
Tickets & Violations
Bicycles, Motorcycles and Scooters
Are you commuting by bicycle, motorcycle or scooter? We have designated parking spots and programs that you might find useful.
Bicycles, Motorcycles & Scooters