Our Path Forward
Realizing change across NAIT
The Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy will inspire meaningful change across all areas of NAIT and engage our full community to eliminate systemic and social barriers.
While the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will provide strategic oversight and support, business areas will identify actions that contribute to the realization of the strategy.
Success will rely on all of us using our heads, hearts and hands to create meaningful change at three levels.
Institutional change
NAIT will work with stakeholders – both internal and external – to identify and eliminate barriers through research and stakeholder engagement.
School or departmental change
NAIT schools and departments will adopt actions that are most meaningful and achievable in their areas.
Individual change
NAIT will celebrate and encourage individuals to champion equity, diversity and inclusion everywhere in our community.
Assessing our progress
We will measure progress using metrics of accountability and transparency rather than benchmarks of completion. Outcomes and indicators are not fixed. We will continually assess and update them as we integrate our actions.
Outcomes and indicators
- Diversity of our student population – at a school or program level – reflects that of Alberta.
- Diversity of our staff population – in each classification and group including academic, support and management – reflect that of Alberta.
- The percentage of marginalized students graduating from NAIT is equal to the percentage of marginalized students entering NAIT.
- Increase in the number of marginalized individuals in non-traditional programs.
- NAIT policies and procedures support the advancement of equity.
- Decrease the percentage of marginalized students who stop out (or consider stopping out) as a result of feeling that they don’t belong at NAIT.
- Marginalized students and staff feel safe, included and like they belong at NAIT.
- All staff and students feel safe, included and like they belong at NAIT.
- Staff are equipped to support equity, diversity and inclusion.