Who's Who at NAIT
Head of Local Public Body: Laura Jo Gunter, President
Under this Act, Laura Jo Gunter, as President of NAIT, has been appointed as the designated head of the local public body (NAIT). She is ultimately responsible for the Institute’s implementation and adherence to FOIP. She has delegated the day-to-day operation issues to Brandon Amirie.
FOIP Coordinator: Brandon Amirie
Brandon Amirie is General Counsel at NAIT and is the key contact for FOIP issues both internally and externally. His responsibilities include overseeing implementation of FOIP, responding to FOIP requests and acting as a resource for FOIP issues.
Phone: 780.378.6980
Mail to: Brandon Amirie, General Counsel
11762 - 106 Street NW
Edmonton, AB T5G 2R1
What are Personal Information Banks?
FOIP requires NAIT to make available for inspection and copying by the public a directory that lists the Institutes Personal Information Banks (PIB).
A PIB must contain personal information, take the form of a collection and be retrievable by the name or an identifying number, symbol or other particular assigned to an individual.
NAIT has documented all of its PIBs. For a copy of NAIT's directory of PIBs, please contact Brandon Amirie, General Counsel at or
Making a FOIP request
Section 7(1) of the Act provides that an applicant must make a request to a public body that is believed to have custody or control of the particular record(s).
Section 7(2) requires that the request be in writing and provide enough detail to enable the public body (NAIT) to identify the record.
A request for general records must be accompanied by the initial fee of $25 for one-time requests or $50 for continuing requests. There is no initial fee when the applicant is requesting personal information about him or herself.
How to deal with requests to access NAIT records
All formal FOIP requests, must be forwarded immediately upon receipt to the Records, Access & Privacy Administrator (FOIP Coordinator) for processing.
NAIT Consent & Release Forms
OIPC Forms
Visit the Office of the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta (OIPC) to access to the forms listed below.
- Request to Access Information Form
- Request to Correct Information Form