Centre for Sensors and System Integration

Sensors and the data they generate are crucial components supporting economic success for an ever-growing number of businesses and industries.

The Centre for Sensors and System Integration is a world-class systems integration centre staffed with professional researchers who provide industry with prototyping, product enhancement, testing, and characterization services related to sensors and system integration.

Research areas

Learn more about our research specializations and the impact we've made in these areas with our industry partners.

Our Projects

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two individuals in blue lab coats look upon an autonomous drone with large treaded tires

Integrated system for automated inspection of autonomous mining vehicle fleet

NAIT Applied Research Lead 
Dr. Quamrul Huda

Partners and collaborators
Imperial Oil Limited, Go Productivity

Project Details

To reduce the need for continuous human monitoring of mining haul-truck fleet through the creation of an autonomous drone including real-time data acquisition, predictive analytics, visualization and data-informed decision making on operational readiness.

Alberta Innovates, Government of Alberta (Major Innovation Fund)

Expected Completion Date
March 2025

Project Overview
We have developed an automated system to determine of operational readiness of autonomous mining trucks. The developed drone system includes several onboard sensors for detection of engine fluid levels, multiple pole-mount cameras for 360-degrees overview of vehicle(s), and a sensor equipped robot for undercarriage inspection. We established reliable communications between an on-site server with sensors and cameras through mesh network(s). LiDAR-based navigation was designed for robot missions and its sustainable operations ensured through precision docking and wireless charging.

The prototype has been deployed in mining operations where automated inspections are completed on autonomous trucks during their fueling cycles. A custom frontend/backend user interface has been implemented for operation of the integrated inspection system by an operator from a remote location reducing the need for human intervention particularly in inclement weather conditions.

Future/Ongoing Work
Further work is ongoing for real-time monitoring of vehicle status during mining operations. Predictive maintenance algorithms through real-time sensor-data analytics and computer vision are being developed. Increased safety, reliability, operational efficiency, and cost reduction are expected as project outcomes.

Peer-reviewed publications from this project

Vision- and Lidar-Based Autonomous Docking and Recharging of a Mobile Robot for Machine Tending in Autonomous Manufacturing Environments
Feiyu Jia, Misha Afaq, Ben Ripka, Quamrul Huda and Rafiq Ahmad. 2023
Applied Sciences

LED based systems for remote sensing of liquid levels in automotive fluid tanks
Quamrul Huda, Chelsea Ragbir, Matthew Hart, Andrew Anderson-Serson, Ben Ripka, Alberto L. Cevallos, Anas Ahmed, Dan Priestley. 2023
Proceedings of SPIE

White Fluid flow pipes

Early Detection of Sanding Events in Hydrotransport Lines through real-time Velocity Profiler Data

NAIT Applied Research Lead 
Dr. Quamrul Huda

Partners and collaborators
Imperial Oil Limited, Institute of Oilsands Innovation (University of Alberta)

Project Details

During bitumen processing, insufficient flow of slurry leads to deposition of coarse sand particles in hydrotransport lines, termed 'sanding' which can lead to blockages. This project aims to develop a method for detection of sand bed formation in hydrotransport lines using real-time predictive analytics on sensor data.

Expected Completion Date
January 2027

Project Overview
Currently, there is a lack of reliable early warning systems for sanding events and partial or total plugging events can cost millions of dollars per incident.

This project analyzes the feasibility of SANDtracTM, a sonar-based velocity profiler that provides velocity at multiple depths of pipeline cross-section, for detection of sanding events. The key element of our study is the interpretation of its one-year deployment data. Methods have been developed and tested for the removal of noise, harmonics, outliers, and other unwanted signals from sensor data, followed by comprehensive understanding, modeling, and analysis of sanding events.

Future/Ongoing Work
A machine learning model will be developed and trained using one year deployment and historical data to detect sanding events. Developed methods will significantly reduce the use of energy and water during the bitumen extraction process.

A large brown bison emerges from the BisonSense monitoring system into a pen Photo Credit: Lakeland College

Remote sensing of bison productive performance and behaviour in commercial farms

NAIT Applied Research Lead 
Dr. Muhammad Burhan

Partners and collaborators
Lakeland College

Project Details

Real-time monitoring of bison health status in wintertime through sensors and cameras with a self sustainable solar-wind hybrid power system   

Completion Date
December, 2023

Project Overview
Assessment of productive performance and other traits in commercial bison farms are challenging due to difficulties of safely herding and handling the animals. Automated remote assessment systems can allow information collection and decision-making. In collaboration with Lakeland College, NAIT CSSI has developed a bison monitoring unit for real-time monitoring of bison body weight through a walk-over-weight scale, along with visual and thermal imaging capabilities. A weather station was integrated for environmental data collection. An integrated data acquisition and control unit with cellular connectivity was developed to upload data and images to a cloud platform. A hybrid wind/solar system was developed and integrated to energize the unit for standalone operations. This hybrid configuration compliment each other to support load demand in Alberta wintertime conditions. The developed system represents a technological breakthrough for the Canadian bison industry and increase the capacity of producers in collecting data from a variety of production settings.

Peer-reviewed publications from this project

Hybrid Wind-Solar Energy System for Remote Locations In Northern Alberta
Muhammad Burhan, Yuri Montanholi, Quamrul Huda. 2023
Applied Research Results in Vocational Education and Training

A person with long brown hair and protective eyeglasses looks into a piece of machinery

Field Deployable Prototype System for Detection of Rocks and Metals Underneath Oilsand Ore at Mining Facilities

NAIT Applied Research Lead 
Dr. Quamrul Huda

Partners and collaborators
Imperial Oil Limited, Institute of Oilsands Innovation (University of Alberta)

Project Details

Development of a field deployable microwave imaging system that can detect metals and rocks buried under oilsand ores on a conveyer belt and generate real-time imaging for crusher protection.

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)

Completion Date
July 2024

Project Overview
We have developed a prototype system that is field-deployable in Alberta weather conditions for detection of rocks and metals during ore processing in upstream oilsands facilities. The work was conducted in collaboration with our industry and academic partners. The system utilizes ultra-wideband synthetic aperture radar technology to detect objects buried in the oil sands within a depth of 1 meter. Under the present project, a linear power supply and regulation module, a precision pulse repetition frequency (PRF) signal module, a radio frequency (RF) signal switching module, and a data acquisition system has been designed and implemented. Software integration for the system has been implemented for remote operation and monitoring of the system. The electronic control system and the transmitter/receiver antennas have been designed on IP67 standards for all-season outdoor deployment in mining environment.

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Our experts

PhotoFull nameTitleSpecialization(s) 
Abdirisaq JamaResearch OfficerTelecommunication systems, installation, system integration, system design, 5G & 4G core networks, VoIP network design & implementation, Internet of Things (IoT), Sensor analytics, LoRaWAN network server commissioning & integration
Curtis AllenResearch TechnologistInstrumentation, experimental design, manufacturing, sensors, process control, integration, prototyping, mechanical assembly and design, microplastics, project management, optical alignment
Jacob PaetschIndustrial Automation SpecialistSoftware development, systems architecture, database design, robotics engineering, autonomous navigation system development, sensor-based data acquisition, hardware systems prototyping, control systems implementation, user interface and user experience design, full stack web development, data analysis, algorithmic machine learning and computer vision, embedded systems development, cloud-based distributed systems deployment

Labs and facilities

NAIT researchers have access to a range of specialized labs, facilities and equipment. The Centre for Sensors and System Integration  makes use of these and other world-class applied research labs.

Electronics and Sensors Laboratory

NAIT’s electronics and sensors laboratory supports the development of prototype devices that address sensor-based challenges across a wide variety of industries.

Environmental and Materials Testing Facilities

NAIT’s environmental and materials testing facilities are equipped to test and analyze electronics, materials and assemblies, using industry-accepted methods and technologies.

5G Hub powered by Rogers Business

From small-scale testing to field deployment, NAIT’s 5G Hub, powered by Rogers ​Communications, offers the necessary capabilities to yield successful results.

Latest from the centre

Lakeland College and NAIT work together to create BisonSense: An automated system for Herd Monitoring

Dr. Quamrul Huda of NAIT Applied Research discusses with CBC the merits of this automated herd monitoring system

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NAIT partners with startup to develop industrial batteries that use saltwater

AquaCell Energy has developed an energy storage solution using salt-water. Helped along by NAIT Applied Research, Keith Cleland was able to develop and upscale this technology.

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NAIT partners with Lakeland College for a safer, stronger bison industry

Monitoring bison comes with a host of challenges. With Lakeland College, NAIT Applied Research brought about a solution to keep an eye on these large animals while reducing human interventions.

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